PM Imran Khan has announced yet another tax amnesty for industry. This is the third tax amnesty by PTI Government. Earlier, PTI Government has announced... Continue Reading
Eleventh Schedule of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 provides information about withholding agents and rates of deduction of sales tax for different categories of suppliers.... Continue Reading
Every startup, at a certain point of time, has to decide about incorporating a company. Most common type of a company in Pakistan is “private... Continue Reading
Exports are to Pakistan’s economy as oxygen is to body. According to State Bank of Pakistan’s Export of Goods & Services publication of March 2020,... Continue Reading
Startup scene in Pakistan is developing at a rapid pace. SECP data shows that there were 5,724 companies in the Information Technology sector in Pakistan... Continue Reading
Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, on April 17, 2020 announced Pakistan Construction Sector Relief Package for the builders & developers. Check gazetted copy of... Continue Reading
Tax laws of Pakistan require to determine the residential status of a person. This requirement applies to individuals as well as companies and AOPs.... Continue Reading